Corrigan, Texas

Trinity Division - MP 38




Google Map


This is the approximate location of the WBTS / TNO grade crossing. Looking west on Ben Franklin Ave


Same spot, other direction: looking east on Ben Franklin Ave


Corrigan City Hall

The ROW is just behind this structure




The spur on the right was likely once part of the Wobbly interchange.



Looking south on the TNO/SP/UP

The WBTS/TNO diamond would have been between where I'm standing and the next grade crossing.


Old gas station


Local museum. Unfortunately it was closed.


Mural on the museum


Standing on the grade just west of City Hall, looking west towards Groveton.


Possible Section House

This is nearly identical to a house in Groveton that is also along the Right-of-Way.

Everett and I are of the opinion that this isn't a coincidence.